
Sunday, 27 March 2022

"We go to the forest" theater performance at SP Strawczyn.

 On the occasion of the "Rite of Spring", the students of grades I-III watched a performance entitled: "We go to the forest", prepared by colleagues from class 3b. In their speech, the third-graders pointed out that the forest is not a garbage can and no waste should be left in it. The artists also reminded that you have to stay calm and not make noise while on a trip in the forest. Its inhabitants should be respected and not exposed to stress. Here is a short photo report of this event:


Monday, 21 March 2022

The First Day of Spring at the Primary School Stefan Żeromski in Strawczyn.

 On March 21, 2022, at the Primary School Stefan Żeromski in Strawczyn, we joyfully celebrated the "First Day of Spring". A lot of attractions were organized, incl. The Student Council has prepared a competition for the most interesting disguise for students in grades 1-8. Each class has previously selected the appropriate category to disguise, for example: fruits and vegetables, animals, characters from fairy tales, professions, superheroes, prom, historical figures, pirates and Indians or the 60s and 90s. Preschoolers participated in art competitions for the most beautiful portrait of "Lady of Spring" and for a spring song. Older students and their tutors went to a screening in our cinema in Strawczyn, and then went to see the sculpture of Stefan Żeromski, who had recently been sitting on his bench, and to take a commemorative photo with him. Taking advantage of the beautiful sunny weather, the educators and their pupils were eagerly looking for signs of spring in their immediate surroundings, e.g. on the lagoon. Here is a short photo report: